A custom leather Item I handcraft: “The Ace of Spades” Tool Bag

this is my latest custom handcrafted item: the “Ace of Spades series” tool bag available in my online Etsy shop.

After the buckles and rivet hardware are added, the final step is lacing the sections together!

A view of the inside.
I have an on-line custom leather business for which I craft more than 45 different items, (aside from custom orders specifically suited to my client’s tastes) – all mostly related to motorcycle accessories. The business was started in May of 2015, and includes a Facebook Page that is updated daily with postings of my work as well as interesting articles on Harleys and custom motorcycles. Weather you are looking for a gift item for your wife such as my “Cherry Blossom book cover” to wallets crafted in various sizes, to custom solo seats, you’ll likely find something for yourself or a loved one in the shop. Click on the links and feel free to browse and check out what’s in the inventory, or visit the website or my page on Facebook!
I have these and many more variations available to custom make to your preference!